Brian Newman

Board Member

Brian has worked in early childhood in a range of roles across three countries. He spent 10 years as a TAFE teacher and later managed children’s services at the University of Melbourne.

He chaired the Children’s Education and Care IRC during the most recent revision of the Training Package, and is a board member of Community Child Care Association.

Committed to social justice and equity in early childhood, he has written and presented on aspects of this during his working life.

HumanAbility collaborates with industry to conduct research, identify job market demands, assess skill requirements, create adaptive qualifications and training packages, and spearhead workforce development initiatives.

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Latest News & Events

HumanAbility Launches Early Childhood Education and Care Capacity Study in Adelaide

HumanAbility CEO Emma King OAM helps launch the highly anticipated ECEC Capacity Study at an event in Adelaide.

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HumanAbility’s Northern Territory Roadshows: Darwin and Alice Springs

Overcoming staff retention and training obstacles were the major themes to emerge from HumanAbility’s Northern Territory Roadshows held in June.

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HumanAbility Cairns Regional Consultation

Tuesday 10 September 2024, 9:30 – 11:30am Pullman Cairns International

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