Stan Wall

Board Member

Chief Executive - Life Saving Australia Group 
For the past 30 years I have been a professional lifeguard and having worked throughout Australia, Pacific Islands, Middle East, Asia and Europe. As a leader in aquatic based risk management and risk based assessments, one of my major roles has been specialising in major aquatic events and operations. In addition to my aquatic risk background I had 18 years as an emergency officer with extensive water rescue, aviation and technical rescue experience. For the past 14 years Stan I have maintained a role as a senior board member of the Aquatic & Recreation Institute holding key state and national board positions and volunteering for other key governance roles as the corporate secretary, National Training Advisory and I am currently a member of the boards Executive Management Team. 
Stan is the Chief executive Officer of LSA Group of Companies and also hold a position on the NSW Sport and Recreation Skills Council providing support and guidance as an aquatics industry expert and the representative for the ARI and is a Fellow and Life member of the Aquatic recreation Institute. 

HumanAbility collaborates with industry to conduct research, identify job market demands, assess skill requirements, create adaptive qualifications and training packages, and spearhead workforce development initiatives.

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HumanAbility Cairns Regional Consultation

Tuesday 10 September 2024, 9:30 – 11:30am Pullman Cairns International

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