The Careers Pathway Project aims to help people working in the aged, disability and veterans' care sectors to find clear and rewarding career plans. 

The project will deliver a Careers Pathway Framework and a Best Practice guide to help learners, job seekers and employers to make choices that contribute to the professionalisation of the sectors. 

Swipe or Click across the tabs to view active and completed project stages.

June 2024

Aged care and disability services make up a significant proportion of Australia’s wider care and support economy. These sectors are among Australia's fastest growing, alongside early childhood education and care and veterans’ care.

Our project objectives are to:

  • clearly articulate job roles and career pathways across the care and support sector, identifying where training may need to be reviewed
  • identify and support new approaches to workforce development, highlighting career progression alignment and opportunities in and across aged care, disability services and veterans’ care
  • support the attraction of more workers to the sector
  • support increased worker retention and reduce attrition rates
  • support increased participation in training and employment, particularly from under-represented groups such as First Nations people, people with a disability, young people and men.

Project fact sheet

View our Terms of Reference and Reference Group members

July 2024 

Register to participate on one of our workshops (in-person or online), respond to the discussion paper or share advice and ideas with us.

  • Sydney, Tuesday 17 September - 9.00 – 11.30 am
    ibis Sydney Darling Harbour, 70 Murray St, Pyrmont NSW

Sydney workshop

Complete this form to receive updates and alerts about this project.

Project updates

Contact details

Training Product Project Manager, Yvonne Webb: [email protected]

November 2024  

Details to come.

January 2025

Details to come. 




  • Project Set Up




    Establish a Project Reference Group comprised of workforce development specialists and other stakeholders to provide advice on workforce trends, workplace practices and stakeholder engagement. 

  • Research & Consultation

    Conduct a functional analysis of position descriptions and organisation structures to support the mapping of career pathways across multiple job roles and working environments. 

  • Findings & Recommendations

    Produce a Good Practice Guide with examples of best practice, case studies and resources to inspire learners and jobseekers.

  • Reporting & Submission

    Produce a range of documents and resources, including a final report of findings, a careers pathway framework, good practice guide and series of case studies.