National Secretary - Health Services Union (HSU)
The HSU is one of the largest and fastest growing unions in Australia, representing over 100,000 members working in health, aged care, and disability services. Lloyd directs the overall strategic, financial, industrial, policy and political operations of the HSU in partnership with HSU Branches in every State and Territory.
Lloyd has over 30 years’ experience in union leadership roles. Prior to becoming National Secretary, Lloyd held the position of HSU National President and was the Secretary of the Victorian mental health and disability branch of the union for over 20 years.
Lloyd has extensive experience as an industrial advocate and lobbyist, leading industry wide bargaining and high-level participation and policy advocacy on industry service and workforce reform in the health and community services sector.
Lloyd has held many governance/board roles throughout his career, including ten years as Trustee Director and Board Deputy Chair at HESTA - the industry superannuation fund for workers in the health and community services. Other board experience includes the Aged Care Workforce Industry Council, IFM Investors Advisory Board, Future Social Services Institute Board, and the Community Services Health Industry Training Board- Victoria.
Prior to working in the Union movement, Lloyd worked in the management of workplace health and safety in Victoria's mental health services.