HumanAbility Victorian Roadshows: Mildura

HumanAbility had an exciting couple of days in sunny Mildura!

Last Tuesday, HumanAbility's CEO Emma King OAM and Executive Director of Engagement and Communication Jennie Courtney met with Terry Welch, CEO, and Janelle McGregor, Executive Director of People, Culture, and Wellbeing from the Mildura Base Public Hospital (MBPH). We delved into crucial topics including recruitment and workforce challenges, exploring innovative solutions, and existing partnerships between MBPH and education providers that embed training into the diverse hospital work environment.

Following this, our team, including Director of Stakeholder Engagement Larry Price and Engagement Advisor Catherine Doherty, met with Joe Simonetta, Business Operations Manager at the Christie Centre. Together, we explored the pressing recruitment and workforce challenges in the disability sector within Mildura. It was fantastic to learn about the Christie Centre's proactive approach, leveraging pre-accredited training and social enterprises to provide inclusive work opportunities for individuals of all abilities. These social enterprises include the Mildura Chocolate Factory, Around Again Recycling Centre, Grow Ability Nursery, and ArtRageUs Studio.

We also hosted our Victorian Regional Consultation at the Academy in Mildura, as part of the HumanAbility State and Territory Roadshows. We gathered insights from stakeholders in the care, support, and sport and recreation sectors, discussing workforce recruitment and development, educational pathways, and innovative practices specific to the Mallee region. Thanks to all participants for contributing to these valuable conversations, which will shape the development of our workforce plan.

Continuing with our engagements, last Wednesday, Emma and Jennie met with CEO of SuniTAFE, Brett Millington, while Larry and Catherine were taken on a tour of the Mildura SuniTAFE campus by Ross Humphreys, Senior Manager Community Industry Engagement. We explored how SuniTAFE is responding to the projected growth in the Mallee region for our sectors, as well as their partnerships with industry and universities for placements and pathways to Higher Education.

Thank you to everyone involved for your collaboration!




HumanAbility collaborates with industry to conduct research, identify job market demands, assess skill requirements, create adaptive qualifications and training packages, and spearhead workforce development initiatives.

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