Australia needs a new system of vocational education training qualifications.

Jobs and Skills Councils are using demonstration projects to road-test proposed new approaches to qualification design, underpinned by a series of quality principles.

We're examining the volunteering qualifications in the CHC Community Services Training Package to investigate the potential to provide broader vocational learning. This would effectively support individuals to volunteer across a range of sectors, including health, welfare, emergency services, environment, animal welfare, sport and recreation, and community services.

Swipe or Click across the tabs to view active and completed project stages.

July 2024

A Project Reference Group is being established with representatives of volunteer organisations and peak bodies and registered training organisations with innovative learning design experience.

In addition to expert advice on effective volunteering roles, we will apply critical and creative thinking to how action learning might be imparted and evaluated in a vocational learning environment.

Our project will deliver:

  • advice on the qualification frame model, what a new qualification might look like and mapping of current training products against proposed new products
  • examples of two units of competency developed for a new qualification frame model and how the products and frame would work in practice
  • reflections on and learnings gained from the project in the application of the purpose-driven model and Qualification Development Quality Principles. These may reflect amendments to templates or guidance documents that will support future work related to qualification reform and recommendations to facilitate the broader work of training product development for the active volunteering qualifications.

Project fact sheet

View the Terms of Reference and Project Reference Group members.

July - August 24

Workshops were held in Perth, Sydney, Brisbane and online in August. These workshops helped us to explore:

  • the foundational/fundamental skills and knowledge needed for effective (frontline) volunteering across all sectors
  • the foundational/fundamental skills and knowledge that are unique for sectors and situations
  • the skills that are needed beyond frontline activities
  • current practices and activities used for skilling volunteers
  • whether vocational education training has been of assistance for skilling volunteers and if not, why not.
September 24

Details coming soon.

September 24

Details coming soon.

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Project updates


  • Project Set Up

    Establish a Project Reference Group with representatives of volunteer involving organisations and peak bodies and registered training organisations with innovative learning design experience. 
  • Research & Consultation

    Establish common or unique foundational and fundamental skills across volunteering roles using research and quantitative data analysis, interviews and focus groups.

    Host in-person workshops to gather the advice of volunteer involving organisations.

    Create a discussion paper to facilitate public input and inform workshops and interviews.

    Evaluate how the proposed quality principles influence the design of qualifications and units of competency. 

  • Findings & Recommendations

    Explore the extent to which new vocational products might improve learner outcomes through quality design thinking, informed by stakeholder consultation and Project Reference Group advice.

    Use specific evaluations and findings linked to product design to inform interim and final reports. 

  • Reporting & Submission

    Submit a comprehensive report of all findings, analyses and stakeholder feedback, including specific providing advice on the proposed new design of vocational training products with Jobs and Skills Councils and the Qualification Reform Design Group in the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations.

    Aggregate advice with other demonstration projects for final advice to Skills Ministers.