We are reviewing the SIS Sport, Fitness and Recreation Training Package to ensure qualifications and skill sets are current, aligned to industry needs and provide learners and employers with up-to-date training options.

A minor update will replace superseded units of competency with current, equivalent units in the elective bank of qualifications (excluding specialisation) and skill sets in February/March 2025.

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November to December 2024

During the development phase, we replaced superseded units of competency with current, equivalent units in the elective bank of qualifications (excluding specialisation) and skill sets.

Through targeted industry consultation, we identified the need to:

  • update 4 high-risk superseded, non-equivalent units of competency part of 8 qualifications and 6 skill sets
  • add a child safety unit of competency to 3 qualifications

These changes will take place when aligned with a minor update according to the Training Package Products Development and Endorsement Process Policy.

The mapping document outlines the units of competency being replaced.

Mapping Document

January to March 2025

On Tuesday 25 March, a minor update to the SIS Sport, Fitness and Recreation Training Package was published on Australia's National Training Register.

The update replaces superseded units of competency with current, equivalent units in the elective bank of qualifications (excluding specialisation) and skill sets. The units form part of 13 qualifications and 9 skill sets.

Skill Sets

Additionally, 4 high-risk, non-equivalent units of competency were replaced across 8 qualifications and 6 skill sets, following targeted industry consultation.

A new child safety unit of competency has also been added to the elective group of 3 qualifications.

These updates ensure qualifications and skill sets are current, aligned to industry needs and provide learners and employers with up-to-date training options.

Affected qualifications have retained their title and code but have received a new release number.

Skill sets containing non-equivalent units have been superseded and assigned new codes. Skill sets containing only equivalent units have retained their existing codes, with an updated release number.

The Companion Volume Implementation Guide has also been updated to reflect these changes.

Registered training organisations (RTOs) will have 12 months to transition to the newly released qualifications or the new skill sets. During this transition period, they can continue to deliver the superseded products.

Frequently asked questions

What does it mean if I have an affected qualification or skill set on my scope?

Affected qualifications will retain their title and code and receive a new release number. Affected skill sets will be superseded, given new codes and retain their current titles.

You have 12 months to transition to the new released qualifications or the new skill sets. During this transition period, you can continue to deliver the superseded products which gives you time to prepare and transition. New students can still enrol but must complete or transfer out before the end of the transition period.

Six skill sets will gain a new code as these updates involve a non-equivalent unit of competency. You must ensure you have the replacement unit on scope prior to transitioning to the new skill sets.

For more information, please refer to the Australian Skills Quality Authority website.

What happens if I do not have the new unit on my scope?

If you do not already have replacement units as part of a qualification on scope, you will not be eligible to deliver the new skill set. You will need to add the required units to scope before you can deliver the new skill sets.

Can I continue enrolling students in the superseded skill set during the 12-month transition period?

Yes. The 12-month transition period begins once the new skill sets are released on the National Training Register. You can continue to enrol students during the transition period, however, all students must either complete the superseded skill set or be transitioned to the new skill sets by the end of the 12-month transition period.

Contact details

To contact the project team, please email [email protected].



  • Project Set Up

    Conduct a desktop audit of the SIS Sport, Fitness and Recreation Training Package.

  • Development

    Update qualifications and skill sets with equivalent replacement units where superseded units identified.

    Complete internal quality assurance of training products.

  • Endorsement and Implementation

    Provide advice on the minor change to relevant stakeholders, including state and territory authorities.

    Upload endorsed qualifications and skill sets to the National Training Register.

    Update the Companion volume to reflect changes to the Training Package.