September to November 2024
This project will evaluate and update the 5 Community Service qualifications to best serve the needs of the Community Services sector and the broader Health Care and Social Assistance sector, ensuring they align with current industry needs, regulatory requirements, safety and wellbeing outcomes for clients, and create clear and sustainable career pathways to support existing and future growth in the industry.
The review will ensure training products address emerging approaches such as trauma-informed care, cultural competence and person-centred practice along with skills in collaboration and co-design with service users.
Project Scope
This project will review 5 qualification and 194 units of competency that support training for the following occupations:
- Case manager
- Community services coordinator
- Home Helper
- Personal Care Assistant
- Support Worker
- Team leader
- Welfare Services Managers
Our project will look at 5 community services qualifications and 8 associated skills sets:
You can provide us with any initial feedback on the current qualifications and units of competency by emailing details to
[email protected].
Project governance and consultation strategy
We have established a Technical Committee (TC) of experts to provide advice for the project. TC members are selected for their relevant expertise on the diverse aspects of the project.
View the Terms of Reference and Technical Committee members.
View our Project Consultation Strategy.
Nov 2024 - May 2025
Project development is underway to update the community services qualifications and ensure they are aligned with current industry needs, regulatory requirements, safety and wellbeing outcomes for clients, and create clear and sustainable career pathways to support existing and future growth in the industry.
A Technical Committee (TC) comprising of industry experts has been established to provide specialised advice for this project. Members were carefully selected based on their relevant expertise and experience in areas critical to the project. The TC will work with us to:
- identify relevant stakeholders to consult with
- provide insights on proposed communication and consultation strategies
- provide technical knowledge on the skills and knowledge required to meet graduate outcomes and workforce needs.
We will also undertake:
- desktop research
- a review of available information on industry standards, working conditions, and employer recruitment selection criteria
- virtual workshops to:
- explore the skills that organisations need
- identify career pathways for employees
- discuss foreseeable changes in the sector.
Vocational Educators, Trainers and Assessors
We’re calling on trainers, educators and assessors of vocational qualifications in community services, mental health, and alcohol and other drugs.
We need your feedback on existing qualifications, skill sets and units. We want to know what’s working, what’s not working, and where things could change and improvements be made.
Please submit your feedback by completing this form.
Your feedback will influence the design of national qualification training products and contribute to resolving current workforce issues.
Draft materials will be developed and available for feedback during the Consultation stage.
Consultation will be via a number of methods:
- 16 face-to-face workshops 
- 3 virtual workshops 
Dates and locations of workshops will be advised when confirmed.
Details to come.